Our Philosophy

“My daughter can be a handful and in the lovely care of Ladybug she has been potty trained, taught patience, learned to listen, and given the opportunity to use her words. I am so grateful for the program.” –Teresa R.

The ABC’s and so much more…

At Ladybug, our focus is to teach social skills such as:

  • Sharing
  • Respect for one another
  • Conflict resolution
  • Using words to explain
  • Confidence

Along with exploration and problem-solving skills, we assist your child in developing a love of learning. We believe that the skills of critical thinking and observation make for a great student with a curiosity about the world and others.

Days are filled with collaborative projects:

  • Art and cooking classes, that teaches students how to follow directions
  • Music and movement classes, which teaches students how to work together as an ensemble
  • Dramatic play time, that fosters the students’ imagination and creativity

At Ladybug, children are offered many opportunities to practice their social skills. Each child is given time to make important and exciting observations and discoveries–always in a supportive and nurturing environment.

We are always looking for ways of creating engaging learning experiences based on the developing interests of the children. In this way, the children feel very connected to the content of curricula and learn more from their experiences. This type of approach helps children to become observers, problem solvers, and critical thinkers rather than simply memorizers and rule followers.

What is play-based curricula?

We provide the time, space, tools, toys and direction for children to thrive. With a combination of directed activities such as art, cooking, music and movement classes, circle time, and “free play” times children are offered just the right balance for them to learn and grow.

How are we inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach?

  • By using a process-oriented approach to our explorations of art, music, cooking, and other activities
  • Giving each child the chance to explore and interpret in their own way
  • By providing high-quality, engaging materials and supplies
  • Using the environment as a teacher–display of art materials, tools, toys, dramatic play area in an aesthetically pleasing, stimulating way and encouraging children to interact with their environment in a mindful and reflective nature
  • Encouraging pre-science, pre-math and pre-literacy integration into all aspects of our day
  • Speaking to the children with a sense of respect that honors their individuality
  • Documenting their work through photographs and written text which allow the children to revisit their experiences and the parents to share in our discoveries and experiences
  • By constantly looking to the children’s emergent interests as cues for what we should be exploring in class.

How does Ladybug observe, assess, and document each child’s development?

Ladybug teaching team focuses on each child’s interests, how children think, and follows California Learning Foundations to guide and inform us on typical development.  Ladybug School believes that each child is unique and different and rates of development are not all the same.

Assessments and Parent teacher conferences happen twice a year

We would love to meet you and your little one!

Looking To Schedule A Tour?

Contact Ladybug Childcare & Preschool directly to schedule a private tour.

We would love to meet you and your little one!


Call us to schedule a tour at 415-776-5054.

Feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] or use the form below.